KSDE Weekly

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Commissioner Watson: 2024 will be a year full of opportunity

Commissioner Watson: 2024 will be a year full of opportunity

The end of the calendar year is always a time for reflection for me. Did I accomplish what I’d hoped? Am I satisfied with my efforts? Did I do everything in my power to ensure Kansas students are positioned for success?

While I’m not sure I’ll ever feel satisfied with my efforts, I do want to celebrate what you’ve accomplished this year.

You raised student assessment scores this year. Kansas graduation rates are at their highest, and more students are pursuing and persisting in postsecondary education than ever before.

The Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) and several districts from across the state worked together to successfully launch the Kansas Registered Teacher Apprenticeship Pilot program, and we look forward to expanding that opportunity to every district in the coming year.

With your input and support, KSDE staff members and the Kansas State Board of Education are finalizing a school improvement model that will form the basis for the state’s accreditation process, providing more direct support to your districts and schools.

All of that just scratches the surface of what has been achieved this year.

I believe 2024 will be a year full of opportunity as we continue to advocate for special education funding, are able to continue offering high-caliber structured literacy training to our teachers, and pilot common assessments designed to support the critical work of our schools.

Thank you for your dedication and extraordinary work on behalf of all Kansas children.

I look forward to working alongside you in the coming year with renewed energy and a shared goal to lead the world in the success of each student.    

Posted: Dec 28, 2023,
Comments: 0,
Author: Ann Bush
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