KSDE Weekly

Upcoming Events, Trainings and Recognition

Register now for KSDE’s virtual ‘It’s Not Just PE: Meeting the Physical, Mental and Emotional Needs of Students’

Kelly Guindon and Noalee McDonald-Augustine, teacher leader coordinators for the Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE), are hosting “It’s Not Just PE: Meeting the Physical, Mental and Emotional Needs of Students.” 

This virtual summer academy will include several different topics of discussion, including the value and necessity for physical education; standards and best practices; the connection to social-emotional character development; and the mental health and obesity connection. 

There are two virtual sessions, both with the same content. The academies begin at 9 a.m. and end at noon on Thursday, June 15, and Thursday, July 13. 

Registration is required to attend these free events. 

Registration links: 

Guindon is from the Topeka area and is in her 10th year of education. She is an elementary school PE teacher. She can be reached at kguindon@ksde.org

McDonald-Augustine is in her 25th year of serving as an education consultant. She works in the school climate and culture areas, as well as social-emotional character development, physical education and health and wellness. She can be reached at nmcdonald-augustine@ksde.org

Posted: Jun 8, 2023,
Comments: 0,
Author: Ann Bush
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