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EPA to have virtual hearing on Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards for heavy-duty vehicles

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) plans to host a public hearing on a proposed rule that could impact heavy-duty engines and vehicles, including school buses. 

The hearing on Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards for Heavy-Duty Engines and Vehicles – Phase 3 is scheduled for May 2 and 3. An additional session may take place on May 4 if necessary to accommodate the number of people who have signed up to testify. 

Preregistration for testifying at the hearing is now open. Registration will be open through the last day of the hearing. However, the EPA is asking that all those who plan to preregister to do so by April 26 if they intend to testify or are requesting special accommodations. All attendees (including those who won’t be presenting verbal testimony) must register. Please submit a separate registration form for each person attending the hearing. More information on how to join the hearing will be sent to the email address provided for registration. 

To register, please send an email to EPA-HD-hearings@epa.gov. Additional information can be found in the Federal Register notice for the hearing: Public Hearing Notice for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards for Heavy-Duty Vehicles – Phase 3 (pdf).  

The EPA announced a proposal on April 12 for more stringent standards to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from heavy-duty vehicles beginning with model year 2027. The new standards would be applicable to heavy-duty vehicles, such as delivery trucks, refuse haulers, public utility trucks, transit, shuttle, school buses, etc., and tractors, such as day cabs and sleeper cabs on track-trailer trucks. 

Specifically, EPA is proposing stronger CO2 standards for model year 2027 heavy-duty vehicles that go beyond the current standards that apply under the HD Phase 2 Greenhouse Gas program. The EPA also is proposing an additional set of CO2 standards for heavy-duty vehicles that would begin to apply in model year 2028, with progressively lower standards each model year through 2032. 

 This proposed Phase 3 greenhouse gas program maintains the flexible structure created in EPA’s Phase 2 greenhouse gas program, which is designed to reflect the diverse nature of the heavy-duty industry. 

Posted: Apr 20, 2023,
Comments: 0,
Author: Ann Bush
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