KSDE Weekly

Student Health and Nutrition

Save the date: Summer Academies slated for June, July

Save the date for Summer Academies. Choose an in-person option from four districts across Kansas. 

The cost for the Great Ideas in Education: Instructional Artistry 2023 events is $150. The Kansas State Department of Education will provide best practices, research-based and evidence focused on learning loss and targeted subgroups. 

There will be sessions for learning, as well as workshop times to integrate learning into curriculum and practices. 

Dates and times are: 

  • June 12-13: Buhler High School. 
  • June 15-16: Colby High School. 
  • July 10-11: Billy Mills Middle School, Lawrence. 
  • July 13-14: Atchison High School. 

To register, go to KSDE 2023 Summer Academy

Posted: Mar 2, 2023,
Comments: 0,
Author: Ann Bush
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