KSDE Weekly

Student Health and Nutrition

Key dates for the 2023-2024 Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot

The path to leading the world in the success of each student starts in early childhood, long before a 5-year-old child begins kindergarten. 

To advance kindergarten readiness, all Kansas elementary schools are required to partner with families to better understand incoming kindergarten students’ development. The Ages & Stages Questionnaires®, Third Edition (ASQ-3) and Ages & Stages Questionnaires®: Social-Emotional, Second Edition (ASQ:SE-2) provide a snapshot of children’s developmental milestones. As caregivers know their children best, they complete both questionnaires. 

All children are ready to enter kindergarten when they meet the age requirement of 5 years old on or before Aug. 31 of their kindergarten year. The snapshot data helps teachers ensure their kindergarten classrooms are ready to support the social, emotional and academic success of each student. Visit https://agesandstages.com/ks/ for Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), guides and “how-to” videos on how to implement ASQ. 

Since districts first implemented the Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot statewide in fall 2018, KSDE has gathered feedback on how to best use this tool to improve kindergarten readiness. After receiving positive feedback, KSDE began offering the flexibility to partner with families of incoming kindergarten students to complete the Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot (ASQ) in the springtime before children enter kindergarten. 

For the 2023-24 Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot, districts and private school systems may begin screening April 1. Please contact Amy Rzadczynski via email at arzadczynski@ksde.org if you would like to begin prior to April 1. All schools must administer the ASQ to incoming kindergarten students by Sept. 20, and all data (including pending Family Access screenings) must be entered into ASQ Online by Oct. 10.  

Districts/private school systems should review the following expectations regarding springtime administration of the Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot: 

  • The district will not use ASQ or other data as a gatekeeper/method to prevent 5-year-old children from entering kindergarten. Per Kansas law, the only requirement for entry into kindergarten is that a child be 5 years old on or before Aug. 31 of the current school year (unless a child has previously attended kindergarten in another state). 
  • The district will encourage all age-eligible students to enroll in kindergarten. 
  • The district will accept the screening results in ASQ Online and follow up with the family within two weeks of completing the ASQ to provide results and learning activities.  
  • The district will attempt to contact and gain consent to transfer ASQ results from families who complete the ASQ during the springtime but who do not enroll/attend the district at the start of the school year. 
  • The district will share ASQ data with the child’s kindergarten teacher prior to the first day of school.  


Districts/private school systems are not required to submit an application or survey to KSDE to begin the Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot in the springtime 

Action steps to consider before screening: 

  • Archive old student data.  
  • Update current users.  
  • Check URLs to ensure families have appropriate access.  
  • Check Family Access landing pages to be sure all are set to Program/Shared Family Access. Directions can be found in the Brookes Publishing help section.  
  • Collaborate to consider how screening data will be shared with families.  
  • Turn on “My Alerts” for notification of pending Family Access screenings. These alerts will automatically be sent when screenings have been completed and are ready to be accepted.  


Supporting links for action steps: 

Additional helpful resources: 

Review these webinars focused on successful kindergarten transitions: 

Who do you contact for questions? 

For simple questions related to the Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot (for example, resetting a password to ASQ Online), contact Brookes Publishing Technical Support or call 1-866-404-9853. 

For more specific questions (for example, setting up ASQ Online Family Access links), contact the Brookes Implementation Team at implementation@brookespublishing.com

PreK-12 school staff with questions for KSDE can email Amy Rzadczynski at arzadczynski@ksde.org

Posted: Jan 26, 2023,
Comments: 0,
Author: Ann Bush
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