KSDE Weekly

Student Health and Nutrition

Reminder: Age of eligibility to attend school

Here is a reminder on the age of eligibility for students to attend school:

Per K.S.A. 72-3118: The child will attain the age of 5 years on or before Aug. 31 of the school year. Guidelines for compliance with the law are shown below.

The only exceptions to the age rule if a student moved to Kansas and previously attended an equivalent program in another state or country:

  • Any student who moves to Kansas and was enrolled in a program equivalent to the Kansas kindergarten program in another state and/or country may enter the kindergarten program in Kansas provided they were five years of age by no later than Dec. 31 in the school year they enrolled.
  • Any student who has completed kindergarten in another state/country and moves to Kansas and wishes to enroll in the first grade must be 6 years of age by no later than Dec. 31 in the school year they enrolled.
  • Documentation must be provided that they were legally enrolled and attending in the state/country where they previously resided and that the student was in compliance with the laws of that state/country.
Posted: Aug 2, 2022,
Comments: 0,
Author: Ann Bush
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