KSDE Weekly

Student Health and Nutrition

Final reminder: Aug. 30 deadline to register for Sept. 9-10 Kansas FCS educator and FCCLA adviser training

Are you looking for a specialized professional development opportunity for Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) educators in your district? This two-day training in Salina, Sept. 9-10, is tailored directly to the needs of FCS educators in Kansas and will cover topics like work-based learning in the FCS classroom, managing an effective Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) chapter, methods for running a high-quality FCS program, and much more.  

While this training is targeted at educators and advisers with less than five years of experience, all FCS teachers will gain something beneficial from this professional development opportunity.  

Teachers can choose to attend day 1 (FCS Pathways and CTE) or day 2 (FCCLA adviser training) or both. The cost of the training is $30 for a day or $50 for both days. Lunch is included.  

The deadline to register is Aug. 30 by clicking here: https://kstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3lYGrGbAlIOWV5Y  

Contact Taylor Spangler, KSDE FCS education program consultant, at tspangler@ksde.org with any questions.  

Posted: Aug 29, 2024,
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