KSDE Weekly

Student Health and Nutrition

Preparing for the 2024-2025 Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot

Preparing for the 2024-2025 Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot

Engaging with families to build strong relationships during children’s transition into kindergarten is a key strategy to prepare children, families, and schools for a successful start to the kindergarten year. All Kansas elementary schools are required to partner with families to complete the Ages & Stages Questionnaires®, Third Edition (ASQ-3) and Ages & Stages Questionnaires®: Social-Emotional, Second Edition (ASQ:SE-2). This Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot is an accreditation requirement and an impactful strategy as part of an overall system of school improvement.   

The ASQ provides a snapshot of children’s developmental milestones. As caregivers know their children best, they complete both questionnaires. All elementary school leaders can do two things now to ensure they are ready for a successful 2024-2025 Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot: 

  1. Double-check to make sure all staff (administrators and teachers) who will be responsible for engaging with families and reviewing ASQ data can log in to the ASQ Online system. ASQ users can log in to the ASQ Online system at https://asqonline.com. Users can use the “Forgot password?” and “Forgot username?” buttons to reset login credentials. Program administrators can create new users’ accounts by selecting “Program” and “Add Program User.” If any users need access to multiple buildings in a district, contact Stacy Clarke at sclarke@ksde.org.  

  2. Review pending screenings submitted by families during the spring time and make plans to follow up with families to share results as soon as possible. Since districts first implemented the Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot statewide in the fall of 2018, KSDE has received feedback that schools appreciate flexibility to begin partnering with families to complete the ASQ during the spring prior to children entering kindergarten. KSDE expects schools that begin screening in the spring will accept the screening results in ASQ Online and follow up with the family within two weeks of completing the ASQ to provide results and learning activities. Timely follow-up ensures information shared by families is relevant and demonstrates to families that their time is valuable. As of July 8, there are 3,286 pending screenings in 93 districts/school systems statewide. Users can refer to pages 39-41 of the Quick Reference Guide for Program (Building) Administrators, or the short video tutorial “How to accept incoming Family Access screenings”, for instructions. 

All schools must administer both the ASQ-3 and the ASQ:SE-2 to incoming kindergarten students by Sept. 20, 2024. All data (including pending family access screenings) must be entered into ASQ Online by Friday, Sept. 27.  

Review the KSDE Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot webpage for additional action steps to consider before screening. Visit https://agesandstages.com/ks/ for frequently asked questions (FAQs), guides and “how-to” videos on how to implement ASQ.  

Who can you contact for questions? 

For simple questions related to the Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot (for example, looking up a username or resetting a password to ASQ Online), contact Brookes Publishing Technical Support, or call 1-866-404-9853. 

For more specific questions (for example, setting up ASQ Online Family Access links), contact the Brookes Implementation Team at implementation@brookespublishing.com

PreK-12 school staff with questions for KSDE can email Stacy Clarke at sclarke@ksde.org

Posted: Jul 11, 2024,
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