KSDE Weekly

Student Health and Nutrition

New school safety-related funding opportunities available

The Kansas State Department of Education’s (KSDE) Safe and Secure Schools team wants to share the following information about new school safety-related funding opportunities that have been added to the Grants Finder Tool on SchoolSafety.gov.  

  • Strategies to Support Children Exposed to Violence (Deadline: April 24) This solicitation provides funding for communities to develop coordinated and comprehensive community-based approaches to assist children and their families who are exposed to violence build resilience and prevent future juvenile violence and delinquency. The U.S. Department of Justice will have a webinar on April 12 from 1- 2 p.m. to provide a general overview of this grant program, the application process and a Q&A opportunity for participants. 
  • Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention Grant Program (Deadline: April 25) This program provides financial assistance to eligible applicants to develop sustainable, multidisciplinary targeted violence and terrorism prevention capabilities in local communities, to pilot innovative prevention approaches, and to identify prevention best practices that can be replicated in communities across the country. 
  • Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Hiring Program (Deadline: May 4) This competitive grant program is designed to provide funding directly to law enforcement agencies to hire and/or rehire additional career law enforcement officers in an effort to increase their community policing capacity and crime prevention efforts, including funding for school resource officers. 
  • Community Based Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative (Deadline: May 18) This program provides funding to prevent and reduce violent crime in communities by supporting comprehensive, evidence-based violence intervention and prevention programs. The U.S. Department of Justice will be holding a webinar from 2-3 p.m. March 28 to discuss the purpose and goals of this funding opportunity, review its eligibility requirements, and address frequently asked questions. 


Additionally, the application windows for the below funding opportunities remain open: 

  • Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS) (Deadline: March 21) This solicitation provides federally recognized tribes and tribal consortia an opportunity to apply for funding to aid in developing a comprehensive and coordinated approach to public safety and victimization. Purpose areas of this combined solicitation may allow for eligible school safety expenses including the hiring of school resource officers and the development of, or to enhance existing, school-involved Juvenile Tribal Wellness Courts.  Please note: Federally recognized tribes are the only entities eligible to apply for the CTAS on behalf of subapplicants. Schools and school systems are encouraged to work with federally recognized tribes on the application regarding proposed school safety efforts. 
  • National Child Traumatic Stress Initiative – Category III, Community Treatment and Service Centers (Deadline: March 27) This program aims to increase access to effective trauma- and grief-focused treatment and service systems for children, adolescents and their families who experience traumatic events. It aims to raise the standard of care and improve access to evidence-based services for children experiencing trauma across the nation. 
  • Human Trafficking Youth Prevention Education Demonstration Program (Deadline: April 27) This grant program funds local educational agencies to develop and implement programs to prevent human trafficking victimization through the provision of skills-based human trafficking training and education for school staff and students as specified in the Frederick Douglass Trafficking Victims Prevention and Protection Reauthorization Act of 2018.  
  • Project AWARE (Advancing Wellness and Resiliency in Education) (Deadline: April 28) This program is designed to develop a sustainable infrastructure for school-based mental health programs and services. Grant recipients will leverage collaborative partnerships to implement mental health-related promotion, awareness, prevention, intervention, and resilience activities to ensure that students have access and are connected to appropriate and effective behavioral health services. This program aims to promote the healthy social and emotional development of school-aged youth and prevent youth violence in school settings. 
  • Fiscal Year 2023 Nonprofit Security Grant Program (Deadline: May 18) This grant provides funding support for target hardening and other physical security enhancements and activities to nonprofit organizations that are at high risk of a terrorist attack. The intent is to integrate nonprofit preparedness activities with broader state and local preparedness efforts. It is also designed to promote coordination and collaboration in emergency preparedness activities among public and private community representatives, as well as state and local government agencies. The Federal Emergency Management Agency is hosting technical assistance webinars which will provide an overview of this grant program, key changes from fiscal year 2022 to 2023, the application process, and other resources. Upcoming webinars will be held on March 30, April 4, April 24 and May 4. Please note: A State Administrative Agency (SAA) is the only entity eligible to apply for the Nonprofit Security Grant Program on behalf of subapplicants. Due to the nature of the grant application process, some state application windows may only be open for a limited time or have additional requirements. It is encouraged that any interested subapplicants reach out to their respective SAA contact for state-specific application information. 
  • Fiscal Year 2023 Homeland Security Grant Program (Deadline: May 18) This program includes a suite of risk-based grants to assist state, local, tribal and territorial efforts in preventing, protecting against, mitigating, responding to and recovering from acts of terrorism and other threats. This grant provides recipients with the resources required for implementation of the National Preparedness System and working toward the National Preparedness Goal of a secure and resilient nation. Please note: A State Administrative Agency (SAA) is the only entity eligible to apply for the Homeland Security Grant Program on behalf of subapplicants. Due to the nature of the grant application process, some state application windows may only be open for a limited time or have additional requirements. It is encouraged that any interested subapplicants reach out to their respective SAA contact for state-specific application information. 


To access additional information on these grants, as well as find a full list of funding opportunities with upcoming application deadlines, please click here. You can also navigate the Grants Finder Tool’s various features to search for additional grants related to school safety. 

If you have any questions, email SchoolSafety@hq.dhs.gov

Posted: Mar 16, 2023,
Comments: 0,
Author: Ann Bush
Tags: Grant
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