KSDE Weekly

Standards and Instruction

Accreditation Advisory Council seeking new member applications

The Accreditation Advisory Council (AAC) is a critical partner with the Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE). The AAC provides input and feedback to KSDE on accreditation documents, procedures and processes. 

The council’s diverse membership advises KSDE on needs, concerns and issues experienced by educational professionals. Members act as liaisons and advocate for the state’s accreditation system with the groups they represent. 

The feedback and input received from the AAC informs recommendations to, and actions of, the Kansas State Board of Education. 


Members of the AAC serve three-year terms and may serve a maximum of two consecutive terms. KSDE is seeking representatives who are actively serving in the following areas: 

  • Elementary school teaching staff. 
  • Middle school teaching staff. 
  • High school teaching staff (two positions). 
  • Higher education. 
  • Local board of education. 

Additionally, the AAC ensures statewide representation by maintaining membership from all 10 State Board of Education regions. If it is lacking representation from any specific state region, this will be a consideration in determining membership. 

If you are interested in being considered for AAC membership, please utilize this link to complete a brief application survey. 

New members will be selected by Friday, Sept.1, 2023. 

Posted: Jul 6, 2023,
Comments: 0,
Author: Ann Bush
Tags: AAC
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