The last day to enter data into the Early Childhood Foundations to School Success authenticated web application is Wednesday, May 31.
Systems have until June 30 to submit and correct chronic absentee data via the End of the Year Assessment (EOYA) record.
The Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) has these important reminders about Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) topics:
The Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) is currently seeking feedback and public comments on the Kansas English language arts (ELA) standards.
During the May 2023 Kansas State Board of Education meeting, amendments to regulations governing the use of Emergency Safety Interventions were approved by State Board members.
The Kansas State Department of Education’s (KSDE) Teacher Licensure team has released additional information about the emergency substitute license temporary modification, which the Kansas State Board of Education voted to extend for two years.
The Patterson Family Foundation is offering grants for child care centers operated by public school systems.
The window to submit data for Early Childhood Foundations for School Success is quickly approaching.
Systems have until June 30 to submit and correct chronic absentee data via the End of the Year Assessment (EOYA) record, said Dr. Robyn Kelso, an education program consultant with the Kansas State Department of Education’s (KSDE) Career, Standards and Assessments Services (CSAS) team.
The Kansas State Department of Education’s (KSDE) School Bus Safety Unit has a variety of events planned for the 2023 summer months, said Keith Dreiling, director of the unit.
The Kansas State Board of Education on Tuesday, May 9, approved 79 Kansas Preschool Pilot Grant Awards to Kansas school districts and partners.
The Kansas Department of Health and Environment’s (KDHE) Bureau of Oral Health has provided the Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) with a report of schools in various levels of compliance with state law K.S.A. 72-6252.
Remember that end-of-the-year reporting for Early Childhood programs includes the end-of-the-year survey for both Preschool-Aged At-Risk and Kansas Preschool Pilot funding sources.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) expects to award about $400 million in competitive grant funding under the Clean School Bus Grant Program.
The window to submit chronic absentee data is May 15 through June 15, said Dr. Robyn Kelso, an education program consultant for the Kansas State Department of Education’s Career, Standards and Assessment Services team.
For 2022-2023, school districts are required to track and report students attending through remote learning. This information is due to KSDE twice a year – once for the fall semester and once for the spring semester. The due date for the spring report is Thursday, May 25, 2023.
The Kansas State Department of Education has these important reminders about Elementary and Secondary Emergency Relief (ESSER) topics:
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