Tuesday, Sept. 20, marked the close of the Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot window. This is a good time for district teams to reflect on the start of the kindergarten year. What went well as you partnered with families during this important transition? What might you change for next year?
All data (including questionnaires administered via paper, pending Family Access screenings, and any child profiles noting the reason for not participating) is due in the ASQ Online system by Oct. 10. Users in your school cannot see screenings from data until Family Access screenings are accepted.
Run a “Family Access Summary” report to see if there are pending screenings, and review pages 49-52 of the Quick Reference Guide for Program Administrators for instructions on accepting questionnaires and receiving alerts when Family Access screenings become available for review.
KSDE will pull data from the ASQ Online system. Once you have finalized data in ASQ Online, you do not need to complete another data upload for the Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot.
The Online Training Module “Using ASQ Online Reports to Analyze Data” may be a helpful resource to revisit. The short how-to video “How to Report at the District Level” is also useful for those systems with multiple buildings. Contact Amy Rzadcyznski and Amanda Petersen to add multi-building access in the ASQ Online system. The ASQ Online system remains available for your use. Accredited schools (public and private) participating in the Kansas Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot can use the ASQ Online system to screen any child served, birth through kindergarten entry, at any point during the year. Thank you for your work to strengthen kindergarten readiness to begin the 2022-2023 school year.
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