KSDE Weekly

Reporting and Operations

Annual fall school transportation meetings announced

The Kansas State Department of Education’s School Transportation Unit will be holding school transportation meetings/forums for the 2024-25 school year at 15 locations in September.   

We understand you are busy but please consider attending one of these meetings. This may be the only occasion during the year where you have an opportunity to attend a meeting at a close, convenient location to your district.  All meetings are 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 

If you’ve never attended one of our meetings, please consider doing so this year. These sessions, in addition to disseminating important transportation information and the opportunity to ask questions, give Dennis Tate and Keith Dreiling of the KSDE School Transportation Unit a chance to meet you and match a person with a voice on the phone.  

These meetings are open to any public or private school transportation director, transportation supervisors, school transportation contractors and other school officials involved with school transportation. There are no vendors. There is no charge to attend these meetings with the exception of the Greenbush locations.   

For dates, locations and registration, click this link:  


Note: This material will be covered for Greenbush members at their transportation forums in September. Greenbush members are also welcome to attend any of the locations listed instead of Greenbush if it is more convenient due to date and location.   

For more information, contact Keith Dreiling at kdreiling@ksde.org or (785) 296-4567. 

Posted: Aug 8, 2024,
Comments: 0,
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