KSDE Weekly

Accountability, Accreditation and Assessments

Kansans Can Star Recognition Program window open

The Kansans Can Star Recognition Program is now in its fourth year of recognizing school districts for the great work taking place to help the state achieve its vision of leading the world in the success of each student. 

The 2023 Kansans Can Star Recognition Program’s qualitative measures application window is open through May 12. Districts can apply in these four areas: 

  • Social-Emotional Growth 
  • Kindergarten Readiness 
  • Individual Plan of Study (IPS) 
  • Civic Engagement 


Qualitative applications from 2022 have been carried over to 2023. If a district was recognized for a qualitative measure in 2022, the district will retain that Star for 2023. Districts can apply for a higher Star Recognition in any of the four qualitative areas by emailing kcanstars@ksde.org and requesting access to the application (this is a new step in the application process). A system that reapplies won’t receive a lower rating than what it was originally awarded. 

If a district chooses to apply for a higher Star Recognition rating, its current rubric ratings will be available in the 2023 application. This will allow a district to reflect on past ratings and make appropriate changes for the current year. Previous artifacts aren’t being carried over, so a district will need to once again upload artifacts to support its ratings. 

Districts that haven’t applied are encouraged to visit the KSDE authenticated application site for more information. 

Recognition in the following quantitative areas will continue to be automatically calculated by the Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) based on collected district data: 

  • Academically Prepared for Postsecondary 
  • High School Graduation 
  • Postsecondary Success 


To assist you with the application process, KSDE has developed webinars for each qualitative measure. Here you’ll find information on how to apply, along with helpful tips for telling your story. 


Again, applications for qualitative measures are due by May 12, 2023, and Star Recognition recipients will be announced in the fall. 

For more information, please visit https://www.ksde.org/Agency/Fiscal-and-Administrative-Services/Communications-and-Recognition-Programs/Vision-Kansans-Can/Kansans-Can-Star-Recognition/How-to-Apply

For more information or questions about the program, email kcanstars@ksde.org.

Posted: Jan 12, 2023,
Comments: 0,
Author: Ann Bush
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