KSDE Weekly

Accountability, Accreditation and Assessments

Preschool funding resources for 2023-2024

Early childhood experiences lay the foundation for a child’s future success. The Kindergarten Readiness Kansans Can Star Recognition Rubric can help a district identify priorities in this area.  

Offering high-quality, inclusive preschool services is one strategy to address kindergarten readiness. KSDE is updating resources to support planning for preschool in 2023-2024. The 2023-2024 Kansas Preschool Pilot Grant Requirements document is now available for review on the KSDE Preschool Programming webpage. Kansas Preschool Pilot renewal grant applications are due Feb. 17, 2023. 

The Early Childhood Funding Information Handout shared during 2022 Summer Budget Workshops summarizes key resources. Preschool-aged students with disabilities and 3- and 4-year-old students eligible for the Preschool-Aged At-Risk program who are enrolled and attending an approved Preschool-Aged At-Risk program on Count Day automatically count as a one-half student (0.5 FTE) in calculating a district’s enrollment and accompanying weightings. Three-year-old preschool-aged at-risk students were funded beginning in the 2021-2022 school year. 

The KSDE Preschool Programming webpage includes the 2022-2023 Preschool-Aged At-Risk program requirements. The 2023-2024 Preschool-Aged At-Risk program requirements will not include major changes. The 2023-2024 Preschool-Aged At-Risk Approval Forms will be available in January and due in March. 

BASE (Base Aid for Student Excellence) K.S.A. 72-5132: In 2019, the legislature passed the school finance bill (House Sub for Senate Bill 16) that included amending the “base aid for student excellence” per pupil. A history of the BASE per pupil can be downloaded from the School Finance homepage under the Legal Max General Fund, School Finance Studies link: Base Aid for Student Excellence (BASE) (72-5132)

Beginning in school year 2023-2024, the BASE will be adjusted by the average percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index for all urban consumers (CPI-U) in the Midwest region during the three immediately preceding school years. A preliminary estimate for the 2023-2024 BASE will be available at the end of November 2022. The BASE is used to calculate a district’s enrollment and accompanying weightings. 

The 2023-2024 Kansas Preschool Pilot Grant Requirements document is now available for review on the KSDE Preschool Programming webpage. The amount of Kansas Preschool Pilot grant funding remains limited. To focus time and energy on more sustainable options to invest in preschool, the following will be in place for 2023-2024: 

  • Only current Kansas Preschool Pilot grantees are eligible to apply for 2023-2024 Kansas Preschool Pilot grants. 

  • A grantee’s 2023-2024 Kansas Preschool Pilot renewal grant award will not exceed the 2022-2023 grant award. 

  • Kansas Preschool Pilot renewal grant awards will not exceed the gap between a program’s revenue and expenses. Applicants will use the Preschool Revenue Calculator and Budget Template to estimate the amount of funding they will receive (state enrollment aid and accompanying weightings, special education funds, Head Start funds) and demonstrate how they plan to spend that funding.  

  • KSDE will first review and award grants to 2022-2023 Kansas Preschool Pilot – CIF and TANF grantees who apply for renewal funding. Any remaining funding will then be awarded to 2022-2023 Kansas Preschool Pilot – GEER grantees who apply for renewal funding. In 2022-2023, $2,585,540 of Governor’s Emergency Education Relief (GEER) funding fprovided additional Kansas Preschool Pilot grant awards that otherwise would not have received funding. This one-time source of funding will not continue in 2023-2024. 

  • Some applicants may be considering the Early Childhood Block Grant (ECBG) administered by the Kansas Children’s Cabinet and Trust Fund. Kansas Preschool Pilot grantees funded in 2022-2023 with Children’s Initiatives Fund (CIF) and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) funding are not eligible to apply for the ECBG. Kansas Preschool Pilot grantees funded in 2022-2023 with GEER funding may apply for either the 2023-2024 Kansas Preschool Pilot or the Early Childhood Block Grant, but not both. Neither grant is guaranteed. Applicants should carefully review the Early Childhood Block Grant Request for Proposals to understand program requirements. 

  • Review the 2022-2023 Kansas Preschool Pilot Grant Requirements document posted on the KSDE Preschool Programming webpage for key dates. Kansas Preschool Pilot renewal grant applications are due by 5 p.m. Friday, Feb. 17, 2023. 

Contact Natalie McClane (nmcclane@ksde.org) with Kansas Preschool Pilot questions. 

Posted: Nov 10, 2022,
Comments: 0,
Author: Ann Bush
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