KSDE Weekly

Accountability, Accreditation and Assessments

Student art contest open for KSDE's conference

In order to encourage students to use their creativity, the Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) is once again hosting a student art contest for the KSDE annual conference. This year’s theme is Great Ideas in Education: The Art of Teaching.

The contest is open to Kansas K-12 students in public and private schools. Each contest entry must include the student’s name and the student’s classroom teacher’s information. Entries must be postmarked by Sept. 9. One winner will be selected in each of the following grade-level divisions: grades K-4; grades 5-8; and grades 9-12.

From the three grade-level winners, a first-place, second-place and third-place winner will be selected. Prizes will be awarded as follows:

  • Third place: $75
  • Second place: $100
  • First place: $150

The first-place illustration will be featured in the conference materials. The three winning illustrations will be displayed at the conference. The first-place winner’s sponsoring teacher and principal will receive two nontransferable complimentary registrations. The sponsoring teacher and principal of the second-place and third-place winners will receive one nontransferable complimentary registration.

No artwork larger than letter-sized paper will be accepted. Acceptable media for illustrations are crayons, pencils, photos, paints, markers and computer prints. Don’t send collage illustrations. Art without words is preferred. An entry form must be completed and included with each drawing/graphic. All illustrations must be based upon the conference theme.

For more information, call Pat Bone, senior administrative specialist with the Division of Learning Services, by email at pbone@ksde.org or by phone at (785) 296-2303.

Posted: Aug 9, 2022,
Comments: 0,
Author: Ann Bush
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