KSDE Weekly

Accountability, Accreditation and Assessments

KSDE developing new graduation requirements fact sheet

The Kansas State Board of Education at its November meeting approved new graduation requirements. Now, the Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) is developing a new fact sheet to help educators and administrators transition to the new requirements.

The new graduation requirements will include:

  • Maintaining the minimum graduation requirement of 21 units of credit.
  • Giving districts the option to use mastery and competency to award credits.
  • Requiring all students to complete two or more postsecondary assets from an established list that includes career/real-world and academic assets – aligned with their Individual Plan of Study (IPS).
  • Requiring all students to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). However, any student, family or school can opt a student out of completing the FAFSA.

The updated fact sheet will be available before the new guidelines take effect, which is set to begin with the class of 2028, this school year’s current eighth graders.

A Frequently Asked Questions document is currently available. The document is regularly updated as questions are received, and answers provided.

For more information contact Dr. Robyn Kelso, a coordinator on KSDE’s Career, Standards and Assessment Services (CSAS) team, at rkelso@ksde.org or at (785) 296-3444; or Dr. David Fernkopf, assistant director of CSAS, at dfernkopf@ksde.org or at (785) 296-8447.

Posted: Feb 1, 2024,
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