KSDE Weekly

Accountability, Accreditation and Assessments

KSDE issues important reminders about ESSER funds reporting

Submission deadlines for quarterly and annual reporting for Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds are quickly approaching. 

Quarterly reporting for ESSER funds opened on the CommonApp on Tuesday, Jan 2, and will close Jan. 19.   

School districts/systems received information and the link via the ESSER listserv.   

Every district/system must submit a quarterly report, even if they didn’t have any expenses this quarter.   

The deadline for submission of the fiscal year 2023 ESSER funds annual reporting survey is Jan. 12.  

Completing this report is mandatory to ensure districts continue receiving federal funds without interruption.  

Details on the ESSER funds are posted on the KSDE website under the Federal Disaster and Pandemic webpage. The annual reporting documents and Nov. 1 webinar have been updated under the Annual Reporting for ESSER section. You can find the Annual Reporting-questions at this link.  

The Qualtrics link to the survey was via ESSER LISTSERV. If you did not receive it, have issues with the survey, need a PDF of your 2022 submission, or have general questions about the survey or the reporting, please email the ESSER staff at esser@ksde.org.   

For more information or questions, email esser@ksde.org.  

Posted: Jan 11, 2024,
Comments: 0,
Author: Ann Bush
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