KSDE Training Portal

Log in page https://learning.ksde.org (formerly referred to as Moodle)

Available Courses on Portal

  • Water on the Roadway
  • Railroad Crossing Safety
  • First Observer Plus
  • School Bus Security During Loading & Unloading

Portal Courses General Information

  • The course slides have a minimum but no maximum time set on them.
  • If you have to log out of Moodle and log back in, Moodle  will take you back to where you left off, when you log back in.
  • There are questions at the end of the course which will need to be answered.
  • You cannot advance to the certificate until  questions are answered.
  • The course can be taken individually or as a group.

Simulated Smoke Evacuation Drill for School Buses

The KSDE SchoolTransportation Unit has a smoke machine available which can scheduled to assist with evacuation drill training for your bus drivers.  Along with the smoke machine, a quick refresher course is given to transportation personnel as to the who,what, when, where and why's of evacuation drills.

Please contact the  School Transportation Unit if you are interested in this training.

Upcoming Events

Click this link to find our upcoming events page for any upcoming training oppurtunities.

Wheelchair Securment

KSDE School Transportation Unit strongly recommends any personnel responsible for transporting students in wheelchairs participate in a formal securement training.  Training is available through KSDE School Bus Safety Unit and through wheelchair securement manufacturers.
Including but not limited to the following:

Proper Securement Techniques
Correct Procedures for wheel chair tie-down and occupant restraint use
Regulations and best practices
Required Equipment

To schedule a training, please contact the School Transportation Unit

New Instructor Training for AAA Driver Improvement Program

The School Transportation Unit can provide training to certify new instructors for the American Automobile Association’s (AAA) Driver Improvement Program (DIP). The School Bus Safety Unit offers these classes at various times through the year. When these classes become availabe the dates, times, cost and registration information will be posted on our Upcoming Events webpage 

If you are interested or have another person interested in becoming an instructor for DIP or for further information, please contact:

Dennis Tate
(785) 296-4545

Current list of certified AAA Driver Improvement Instructors

KSDE Training

The KSDE School Transportation Unit has a number of training programs available including but not limited to MEDIC First Aid/CPR/AED; The American Automobile Association's Driver Improvement Program courses;  school bus evacuation, school transportation security, child passenger safety restraint training, bullying, pre-trip inspections, human trafficking, wheelchair securment and Buster the Bus, to name a few.  If you are interested in any of these programs, or for further information, to schedule a training please contact the School Transportation Unit.

On-Line Video Links

The following are links to various videos posted on the internet which can be used for safety programs or other training.

Distracted Driving - Video produced by the Missourri Association for Pupil Transportation

Two videos, produced through a joint effort of the Indiana State Police, Indiana Department of Education, School Transportation Association of Indiana and the Mooresville Consolidated School Corporation, is intended to be used as a training tool for school bus drivers to reduce potential injuries and fatalities which could result during violent acts. Viewer Discretion is advised. Video 1 https://vimeo.com/98654521  Video 2 https://vimeo.com/98659611

Downed Power Lines from Safe Electricity and the Kansas Electric Cooperatives, Inc. Auto Accidents and Power Lines

Child Safety Restraint Systems (CSRS) on School Buses 
NHTSA offers six training videos for school bus drivers and school bus monitors detailing the steps necessary to properly install, and place a child in, three types of child safety restraint systems, (rear-facing, front-facing, and  safety vest), The videos illustrate various sections of the Child Passenger Safety Restraint Systems on School Buses National Training, as an enhancement resource for trainers and attendees of this course.


School Transportation Safety
Keith Dreiling, State Director
785-296-6659 (fax)

School Transportation Safety
Public Service Administrator 
Dennis Tate

School Transportation Safety
Public Service Administrator 
Melissa Ostermeyer
785-296-5659 Melissa.Ostermeyer@ksde.gov

School Transportation Safety
Senior Administrative Assistant
Sarah Harter


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To accommodate people with disabilities, on request, auxiliary aides and services will be provided and reasonable modifications to policies and programs will be made. To request accommodations or for more information please contact the Office of General Counsel at gc@ksde.gov or by 785-296-3201.