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Social-Emotional Growth

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Academics are important. However, they alone don’t guarantee a student’s success after high school.

Throughout community conversations, Kansans said schools need to place more focus on helping students develop nonacademic skills, such as teamwork, perseverance and critical thinking, so they can be more successful in their postsecondary pursuits. In fact, students who lack these nonacademic skills may find it more difficult to find success in postsecondary education and the workforce.

Social-emotional learning is the process through which students and adults acquire the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions; set and achieve positive goals; feel and show empathy for others; and establish and maintain positive relationships. It also helps students and adults make responsible decisions.

Research from the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) shows that schools that incorporate social-emotional and character development have more student engagement, decreased suspensions and improved academic skills.

The Kansas State Board of Education believes social-emotional growth should be measured locally.

Social-Emotional Growth | Kindergarten Readiness | Individual Plan of Study | Civic Engagement | Academically Prepared for Postsecondary | High School Graduation | Postsecondary success








Questions about this page, contact:

Denise Kahler
Director, Communications and Recognition Programs
(785) 296-4876

Cheryl Franklin
Graphic Design Specialist
(785) 296-4909


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