School Finance staff are processing the 2022-2023 payment, which is scheduled for deposit on June 19.  The payment file will be posted close to the deposit date.  The payments for each Public School District and Interlocal/Service Center can be found on the School Finance – Payment Information webpage, under the heading FY 23 Payments
The Professional Development State Aid payment will be audited during the 2023-2024 school year to determine the accuracy of the district’s final expenditures report, which was used to compute the payment.  All expenditures claimed for reimbursement must be paid from the Professional Development Fund.  To prepare for the 2022-2023 audit to be completed during the 2023-2024 school year, please review the Professional Development Audit Guide.
Note:  Funding for Professional Development has been approved for the 2023-2024 school year.  To be eligible for state aid reimbursement, districts must have a current Professional Development Plan for the school year and claimed expenditures must be paid from the Professional Development Fund (Code 26).

For questions about professional development funds, contact:

Sara (Barnes) McCullah
Assistant Director
School Finance
(785) 296-4972
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