To apply for this stipend, Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) must enter mentors for classroom teachers into the Mentor Programs application - a KSDE Authenticated Application.

(Request access to Mentor Programs using the Manage My Account function for KSDE Authenticated Applications if you do not already have access.)

Deadline for entering mentor teachers is September 25th of the current school year. 

Deadline for submitting the final stipend request is May 1 of the current school year, 


For more detailed information, including requirements for LEAs, mentors and mentees, see Stipends for Mentors of Classroom Teachers.  

Local Educational Agencies will log back into the Mentor Programs application from April 1-May 1 of the current school year to validate their mentors, add mentees, assign mentors to mentees, and submit the final stipend request.

Questions on mentor stipends contact
Leslie Bruton at

Mentor Stipend

Leslie Bruton, Systems Coordinator
Teacher Licensure

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