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Required and Recommended Student and Staff Training
Prevention and Responsive Culture

Prevention and Responsive Culture icon Suicide Awareness and Prevention

Kansas Suicide Prevention, Response and Postvention Toolkit Cover Having a prevention, response and postvention plan in place before suicide occurs enables districts and schools to respond in an organized and effective manner. This toolkit contains information that schools can use to coordinate the development of a plan that fits the needs of their specific community.

The Kansas Suicide Prevention, Intervention, Reintegration and Postvention Toolkit is a comprehensive guide that provides step-by-step guidance for setting up a systematic approach to suicide prevention, response and postvention. The essential forms from the toolkit are available below that can be downloaded for easy access and use by the appropriate school personnel.

All these links will open to a new window and can be saved.

Suicide Prevention, Intervention, Reintegration, and Postvention Toolkit - complete book PDF



For more information, contact:

Trish Backman
School Mental Health Services Coordinator
Special Education and Title Services
(785) 296-6937


Kent Reed
School Counseling Consultant/School Climate/Culture and Integration Specialist
Career, Standards and Assessment Services
(785) 296-8109

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