KSDE Weekly

Upcoming Events, Trainings and Recognition

Calendar of Events


  • 10: 9 a.m.-noon, AP Seminar: English 10 Experience Workshop, Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE), 900 S.W. Jackson, Suite 102, in Topeka. Register here. For additional information, contact: Renata Elvey at relvey@collegeboard.org, Jim Morris at jmorris@collegeboard.org or Joann McRell at jmcrell@ksde.org
  • 10: 8:30-10:30 a.m. Kansas MTSS and TASN 2022-2023 Preschool Webinar Series: “Where’s the Fairy Dust.” Barbara Kaiser. Participants will register at www.ksdetasn.org
  • 10: Noon-1 p.m., Informational webinar about hosting a Visiting International Teacher (VIT) in the 2023-2024 school year. Register here. For more information, email Jessica Dorsey, executive director of the Kansas Volunteer Commission, at jdorsey@ksde.org
  • 13: 90-Minute Literacy Block Alignment to Structure Literacy, a six-hour virtual professional development opportunity focused on the science of reading. This free session will be led by Hailey Hawkinson, a KSDE teacher leader consultant. Register at 90 Minute Block Party Virtual PD. For more information, contact Dr. Laurie Curtis, early literacy/dyslexia program manager, at lcurtis@ksde.org
  • 13: 1-3 p.m. in Topeka. Applicant workshop for KSDE 2023 Kansas 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) grant competition. Registration: https://www.ksdetasn.org/events/rw6arg
  • 14: 10 a.m.-noon in Wichita. Applicant workshop for KSDE 2023 Kansas 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) grant competition. Registration: https://www.ksdetasn.org/events/AwfkVQ
  • 14-15: Kansas State Board of Education meeting. View the live stream at https://www.ksde.org/Board/Kansas-State-Board-of-Education/Streaming-Media
  • 15: 9:30 a.m., Wellness Wednesday, https://ksde.zoom.us/j/81862066065?pwd=VFAySXJxL0RMa2dLbjdNVjhiM0wwQT09. Passcode: 620067. Feeding Children with Food Allergies in Child Nutrition Programs. Mealtimes for children with food allergies can be stressful for both children and adults. Join the Ellyn Satter Institute and KSDE Child Nutrition and Wellness team members to learn how to reduce stress during mealtimes while safely managing food allergies.  
  • 15: 1-3 p.m. in Dodge City. Applicant workshop for KSDE 2023 Kansas 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) grant competition. Registration: https://www.ksdetasn.org/events/b9yjaQ
  • 15: National School Resource Officer Day. 
  • 16: 1-3 p.m., KSDE 2023 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) grant competition applicant webinar. Webinar link: https://ksde.zoom.us/j/88594756045.  
  • 16: 4-5 p.m., Star Assessments Spring Virtual Learning, sponsored by KSDE. Star Power Hour. Share best practices, collaborate with colleagues and hear from a special guest KSDE educator. Registration: https://renaissance.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAldu6hrTMuHNxwXX7lRCu2B-bLGGoTgfo4
  • 16: 2023 Aviation Day at the Capitol. Kansas Aviation Art Contest submissions will be on display and winners will be honored. 
  • 20: 8:39 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Quarterly science professional development, Investigating Routines and Rigor for Students. Six locations across the state: 
  1. Region 1: K-State Olathe
  2. Region 2: Smoky Hill Education Service Center
  3. Region 3: Fort Scott Community College
  4. Region 4: ESSDACK Regional Service Center
  5. Region 5: Northwest Kansas Educational Service Center
  6. Region 6: Southwest Plains Regional Service Center
  • 21: 2 p.m. KSDE Child Nutrition and Wellness town hall meeting. The link for the meeting is https://ksde.zoom.us/j/84920437369?pwd=dXgrdE5ickp6VVVHRTFWbkowN0FJUT09
  • 22: The application period opens for Kansas Education Enrichment Program (KEEP), which will provide qualifying parents and guardians with a one-time $1,000 award per child to pay for educational goods and services, such as tutoring and school supplies. For more information, go to https://www.keep.ks.gov/
  • 22: 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m., preconference for 41st annual Kansas Division for Early Childhood Conference in Wichita. Participants will spend the day in interactive conversations designed to build awareness of EI service delivery as a practice requiring reflection and ongoing professional growth. Continuing education units are available. Registration is $100 per person. Limited space is available. Lunch is provided. Register: https://kccto.wufoo.com/forms/z1up3ig30u1zl2s/.
  • 22: 9:30 a.m., Wellness Wednesday, https://ksde.zoom.us/j/81862066065?pwd=VFAySXJxL0RMa2dLbjdNVjhiM0wwQT09. Passcode: 620067. Student Substance Use in Kansas: Strategies and Best Practices from the Field. Join Kansas school nurses and KSDE Child Nutrition and Wellness team members to learn about best practices being implemented to overcome the challenges in the fight against student substance abuse in Kansas schools.  
  • 23: 1-2 p.m., Star Assessments Spring Virtual Learning, sponsored by KSDE. “February Star Burst: Using Star Assessments to Meet Dyslexia Screening Guidelines in Kansas.” Learn more about the month’s topic or join the Office Hours Breakout Room. Registration: https://renaissance.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwrd-utrDksH9wmW6fNO12kX__RHIlTxDtE
  • 23-24: 41st annual Kansas Division for Early Childhood Conference in Wichita. Educators and service providers can earn continuing education units. Lunch is provided. Ellen Drolette, author of “Overcoming Teacher Burnout in Early Childhood,” is the keynote speaker. Registration: https://cvent.me/Wq7WL7
  • 27: 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Dyslexia: Tier I Supports for Middle/Secondary Students. Smoky Hill Education Service Center, 605 E. Crawford St. in Salina. The cost is $25, and lunch is provided. Credits available – five continuing education units; five professional development points; and five contact hours. Registration ends Feb. 26. Register here
Posted: Feb 9, 2023,
Comments: 0,
Author: Ann Bush
Tags: Calendar
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