KSDE Weekly

Upcoming Events, Trainings and Recognition

Reminder: Save the Date for KSDE School Improvement Days in 2024-2025

Assignments for KSDE’s School Improvement Days are now available. The School Improvement Days are full-day and in-person to maximize collaboration. These days will be facilitated by those who have volunteered and been selected and trained in the School Improvement Model to guide the conversations. 

The groupings and dates for the School Improvement Days for the 2024-25 school year (see attachment below) were developed by the Accreditation and Design team in partnership with each of our educational service centers. Watch for information soon that will include start/end times, registration information, suggested positions within the system to attend as well as maximum number of attendees from each system, and an agenda. 

For those of you who weren’t able to attend last week’s KESA monthly update or you’d like to review what was shared, here is the recording as well as the slides (see attachments below) presented during the monthly update.

If you have any questions about date or location of your assigned School Improvement Day, please email accreditation@ksde.org.

Posted: Apr 25, 2024,
Comments: 0,

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