KSDE Weekly

Student Health and Nutrition

Reminder: School improvement process survey completion required for KESA 2.0

In an effort to evaluate the impact of KESA 2.0, the KSDE Research and Evaluation team has developed the school improvement process survey to be taken by district leadership teams (DLTs). Completing the survey is required for each DLT member after the system’s action plan has been submitted to KSDE.  

To assist each DLT members in completing this survey after the action plan has been submitted, KSDE has created School Improvement Process Survey FAQs.  

If a DLT is getting together to finalize and submit an action plan, that would be an ideal opportunity for each individual member to complete the survey.    

The survey can be found in the KESA application and requires a district-level authenticated applications account. Click here for instructions to gain access to the KESA application and the different user-levels for the application. 

Contact Hayley Steinlage, hasteinlage@ksde.org, with questions. 

Posted: Nov 21, 2024,
Comments: 0,
Tags: KESA 2.0
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