KSDE Weekly

Student Health and Nutrition

KSDE’s Child Nutrition and Wellness team offers guidance for 2023-2024 Paid Lunch Equity tool

The Paid Lunch Equity (PLE) tool is now integrated into KN-CLAIM with information pulled from prior years to assist with completion. 

PLE information can be completed under the Applications Tab directly under the Sponsor Application. Once the Sponsor Application is saved for the first time, a “+” will appear. Then, you can click on that to complete the PLE information using the Sponsor Site Application Quick Reference as a guide. 

Note: All Kansas sponsors are required to maintain a positive balance in the Food Service Fund, so there is an option to be exempt from the PLE requirements for 2023-2024 by selecting “Exemption Granted.” 

Posted: Jun 1, 2023,
Comments: 0,
Author: Ann Bush
Tags: CNW
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