KSDE Weekly

Student Health and Nutrition

Information for sponsors serving meals through Seamless Summer Option in July, August

Sponsors serving summer meals through the Seamless Summer Option (SSO) in July and/or August must complete and be approved for school year 2023-2024 operations before July 1.

While completing program renewal, sponsors operating SSO in July and/or August must indicate “Seamless Summer Option Only” within the Summer Meals section of each site application that SSO summer meals will be served. Select and enter the Site Qualification information that reflects how the site qualifies to serve summer meals. Indicate the days in which meals will be served for July and/or August in the Operating Schedule table.

Designate the days of operation and complete the meal service table specific for summer meal distribution.

For rural sites, indicate if meals will be served non-congregate, congregate, or both.

Posted: May 25, 2023,
Comments: 0,
Tags: Nutrition
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