KSDE Weekly

Standards and Instruction

Reminder: Data reports required from districts and schools opting into IXL Math

Districts that have opted into the KSDE and IXL Math contract to receive IXL Math at no local cost are required to provide data on math practice twice a year for the 2024-25 school year.   

Two built-in IXL reports allow for the creation and submission of KSDE reporting in just a few minutes.  

To submit required data for the second semester, districts should follow the instructions related to their IXL account by clicking here. (Pages 1-2 are instructions for districts; pages 3-4 are instructions for schools).  

Data submissions for the fall semester will include data from the first day of school through the last day of the fall semester.  

Contact kansas@ixl.com or Robyn Kelso, rkelso@ksde.org, or (785) 296-3444, if unsure which instructions to use or need help with submitting data.  

Posted: Jan 8, 2025,
Comments: 0,
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