KSDE Weekly

Reporting and Operations

Civic Advocacy Network application open for submissions

The Kansas State Department of Education’s Civic Advocacy Network application is now open for school-level submissions at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe9IgQ0phYzSvkTuca3dM_8DdR-AtW0ptmOoERvDuuU5dt15A/viewform?usp=sf_link.

Applications are due by May 12.  

The Civic Advocacy Network recognizes schools that actively engage students in civic engagement opportunities and collects exemplary practices to share with schools across the state. The ultimate goal is to promote civic engagement as part of all pre-K-12 student experiences. 

Districts interested in earning Kansans Can Star Recognition in Civic Engagement must first have their schools apply for the Civic Advocacy Network award. For more information about how the Civic Advocacy Network relates to Civic Engagement Star Recognition, watch this short video: https://youtu.be/dHzpSVbpRH8 (please note that the video is from a prior year and does not reflect the current due date of May 12, 2023).  

For more information, contact Dr. Jessica Dorsey at 785-296-3163 or jdorsey@ksde.org

Posted: Feb 2, 2023,
Comments: 0,
Author: Ann Bush
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