KSDE Weekly

Feature Story

IDEA Maintenance of Effort, Excess Costs Reports now open

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Maintenance of Effort (MOE) and Excess Costs Reports are open. The full application will close on Jan. 14, 2023.* 

The newly established due date for member districts is Dec. 31, 2022. If you are a member district of an interlocal or cooperative, your MOE reports must be submitted to the coop/interlocal by Dec. 31 to ensure enough time for the entire local education agency to complete its MOE submission to the Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) by the final due date of Jan. 14, 2023. 

These reports will require collaboration between special education directors and local district budget and administrative staff members to complete. Directors of special education are encouraged to contact necessary district staff members to coordinate completion of the reports. The contact information for this collection is sourced from the KSDE Directory Updates web application. Please ensure that the information for the director of special education is correct in the directory web app before attempting to complete any part of the reports. 

Both the MOE and Excess Costs reports are accessed through the Kansas Grants Reporting System (KGRS) from the KSDE authenticated website at https://apps.ksde.org/authentication/login.aspx

To complete the MOE application, download OVERVIEW AND INSTRUCTIONS, https://www.ksde.org/Portals/0/SES/funding/MOE-ExcessCostMOEinstructions.pdf

If you have further questions, please contact KSDE’s Christy Weiler by email at cweiler@ksde.org

* The deadline for all items is 11:59 pm. If a date falls on a state holiday or weekend, the deadline moves to the next business day. 

Posted: Nov 17, 2022,
Comments: 0,
Author: Ann Bush
Tags: IDEA
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