Do you have ideas regarding evidence-based methods and strategies that can positively impact instruction and assessments? What about ways to invigorate those who are involved in the delivery of education or services provided to Kansas students?
The Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) invites you to submit breakout session proposal ideas for the 2024 Summer Academy.
“Making Learning Happen: Invigorating Tier 1 Instruction” will take place June 10-12 at Wichita Northwest High School.
The conference will be structured around the new Kansas Education Systems Accreditation (KESA) school improvement model, which is based on the Four Fundamentals: standards alignment, high-quality instruction, balanced assessments and structured literacy.
For the conference, KSDE is seeking about 60 breakout sessions, with each session scheduled for 75 minutes.
Proposals are due by Feb. 2. For more information and to submit a proposal, click here.
The schedule will be self-selected through the Sched platform. The theme for this year’s Summer Academies is “Make Learning Happen: Invigorating Tier I Instruction.”
The cost is $150 before May 1 and $175 after that date. Lunch will be provided.
To register, click here.
Registration must be paid before attending. Contact KSDE’s Casey Barenzinsky at with any questions.
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