KSDE Weekly

Feature Story

Deadline for 2023 KACTE Summer Conference grant application extended to May 31

The Kansas State Department of Education and the Kansas Association for Career and Technical Education (KACTE) have announced that the deadline for the 2023 KACTE Summer Conference Perkins funds grant application has been extended to May 31. 

The annual summer conference is scheduled for July 30-Aug. 1 at the Hilton Garden Inn in Manhattan. There is a preconference mixer on Sunday, July 30. The conference takes place on Monday, July 31, and Tuesday, Aug. 1. 

The grant is intended to support first-time attendees of the 2023 KACTE Summer Conference, those who didn’t participate in last year’s conference and attendees participating in the Kansas Center for Career and Technical Education (KCCTE) Mentoring Program.  

The grant is limited to $650 per participant and up to $1,950 (or three participants) per district. For more information and to apply, click here

The early bird registration prices also have been extended through May 31. Three meals are included with registration fees. More information on fees, conference schedule and booking a hotel room can be found here

Posted: May 11, 2023,
Comments: 0,
Author: Ann Bush
Tags: CTE
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