KSDE Weekly

Feature Story



25: 11 a.m., Kansas Teacher of the Year Regional Awards Banquet, Region 4, Wichita Marriott Hotel, 9100 E. Corporate Hills Drive. 

26: 11:30 a.m., Kansas Teacher of the Year Regional Awards Banquet, Region 2, Townsite Tower, 534 S. Kansas Ave. in Topeka. 

26: 5 p.m., Kansas Teacher of the Year Regional Awards Banquet, Region 3, Overland Park Sheraton, 6100 College Blvd. (near I-435 and Metcalf). 

28: 9 a.m., Entry-Level Driving Training (ELDT) Theory event for prospective Kansas school bus drivers, Dodge City USD 443 Administration Building, 2112 1st Ave. No cost. The registration deadline is March 22. Register at https://events.ksde.org/Default.aspx?tabid=861

28: Deadline to finish pre-course work (two-hour online training) for the Youth Mental Health First Aid Community of Practice. 

28: 1-4 p.m., Introductory Ages & Stages Questionnaires®, Third Edition (ASQ-3) training. This training is designed to support the statewide expansion of the ASQ and are not specific to the Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot. Learn more and register for the ASQ-3 introductory training here.  

29: 9 a.m., commercial driver’s license (CDL) proxy test for prospective Kansas school bus drivers, Dodge City USD 443 Administration Building, 2112 1st Ave. No cost. The registration deadline is March 22. Cost is $13 for the commercial learner’s permit. Register at https://events.ksde.org/Default.aspx?tabid=861

29: 6:30-8:30 p.m., session one of Youth Mental Health First Aid Community of Practice. Virtual.  

29: 9 a.m.-3 p.m., five-hour informational workshop for mechanics performing Part I Mechanical School/Activity Bus Safety Inspection. The workshop is for informational purposes only. Lunch isn’t provided, and there is no certification for attendees. Registration deadline is March 15. El Dorado USD 490, Performing Arts Center Auditorium, 500 West Central. Register here

30: 9 a.m.-12 p.m., Introductory Ages & Stages Questionnaires®: Social-Emotional, Second Edition (ASQ:SE-2) training. This training is designed to support the statewide expansion of the ASQ and are not specific to the Kindergarten Readiness Snapshot. Learn more and register for the ASQ:SE-2 introductory training here.  

30: 1-2 p.m., Star Assessments Spring Virtual Learning, sponsored by KSDE. “March Star Burst: Planning Instruction with Record Book and Nearpod.” Learn more about the month’s topic or join the Office Hours Breakout Room. Registration: https://renaissance.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAvdO6grjktHdQZS2CYzpUybAfoXroP2N5Y

30: 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Dyslexia: Tier I Supports for Middle/Secondary Students. ESSDACK, 1500 E. 11th in Hutchinson. The cost is $25, and lunch is provided. Optional one-half graduate-level college credit available from MidAmerica Nazarene University for $45. Register here

30-31: 2023 Kansas Federal Education Funds Administration Forum, Wichita Marriott, 9100 E. Corporate Hills Drive. Fee is $125. Registration information can be found at: https://reg.learningstream.com/reg/event_page.aspx?ek=0009-0020-0da0ee848a8a482bbc9e1536e45f8b27. For questions or concerns regarding registration, email Brad Schwartz at blschwartz@pittstate.edu

31: Final deadline for systems entering year five of KESA to have on-site Outside Visitation Team visit. 

31: Deadline to submit virtual school forms. 

31: Deadline to submit nominations for 2023 Kansas School Nurse of the Year and 2023 Kansas School Nurse Administrator of the Year. For more information, contact Katy Carter, Kansas School Nurses Organization Awards and Scholarship chair, by email at KCarter@usd266.com or call her at 316-462-8085. 

31: Kansas Association of Teachers of Mathematics (KATM) will host its annual conference at Emporia State University’s Visser Hall, 1701 Morse Road in Emporia. All-day event beginning at 8:15 a.m. with registration and vendors. Breakout sessions with Kansas educators within the following strands – effective mathematics teaching practices; math connections in STEAM; math and social-emotional learning on trauma-informed practices; and addressing the needs of students. Keynote with IXL. Breakfast included in registration fee. Conference details: www.katm.org/events. Register for the KATM conference at https://emporiattc.iad1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_7PoALYAsqIMVI5o. 


1: 11 a.m., Kansas Teacher of the Year Regional Awards Banquet, Region 1, Tony Event Center, 800 The Midway in Salina. 

5: 6:30-8:30 p.m., session two of Youth Mental Health First Aid Community of Practice. Virtual.  

7: Deadline for districts that plan on offering an alternative school during the 2023-2024 to complete Google form at https://forms.gle/5sAidnRkpvb63pMc7

11: 9-10 a.m., Star Assessments Spring Virtual Learning, sponsored by KSDE. “April Star Burst: Closing Out of the School Year with Star Assessments.” Learn more about the month’s topic or join the Office Hours Breakout Room. Registration: https://renaissance.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIrd-yrqDMqHtQE3TXZAettbokJ6qRUdh3c

11-12: Kansas State Board of Education meeting. View the live stream at https://www.ksde.org/Board/Kansas-State-Board-of-Education/Streaming-Media

12: 6:30-8:30 p.m., session three of Youth Mental Health First Aid Community of Practice. Virtual. 

14: 3-6 p.m., Kansas State School for the Blind preschool open house. Irwin Building, 1100 State Ave. in Kansas City, Kansas. Registration is required for the open house. To register or for more information, click here. For questions, contact Jeanne Goodin by phone at 816-808-6175 or by email at jgoodin@kssdb.org

14: 9 a.m.-noon, Strategies for Supporting Deaf/Blind Individuals with Additional Disabilities, Envision, fifth floor, 610 N. Main St. in Wichita. Presented by Helen Keller National Center. This hands-on training will introduce communication systems; developing meaningful activities; human guide techniques; and simulation/experiential activities. Registration capacity is 30 people in person. There is no cost to attend. This workshop also will be made available virtually via Zoom. To full participation in the simulation activities, in-person attendance is encouraged. To register: https://forms.office.com/r/2vRkD6LreN

18: 3:30-4:30 p.m., Star Assessments Spring Virtual Learning, sponsored by KSDE. Star Power Hour. Share best practices, collaborate with colleagues and hear from a special guest KSDE educator. Registration: https://renaissance.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAldu6hrTMuHNxwXX7lRCu2B-bLGGoTgfo4

18: 9-11 a.m., KSDE Accreditation and Design team end-of-the-year webinar for all systems, (Zoom Registration). 

19: 6:30-8:30 p.m., session four of Youth Mental Health First Aid Community of Practice. Virtual.  

19: 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. 2023 Kansas Health Care Virtual Career Day. To register, https://web.kansaschamber.org/events/2023-Kansas-Health-Care-Virtual-Career-Day-3143/details

20: 1-3 p.m., KSDE Accreditation and Design team end-of-the-year webinar for all systems, (Zoom Registration). 

24-June 16: Spring 2023 Tobacco Treatment Specialist Training. Eight-week virtual, self-paced program. Some scholarships are available for the training with priority given to those who serve in rural areas or in behavioral health settings in Kansas. Sponsored by Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services (KDADS), Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE), Kansas Health Foundation, Masonic Cancer Alliance and KU Tobacco Treatment Education. Those who can apply include community health workers, health educators, social workers, respiratory therapists, dental hygienists, substance abuse counselors, RNs/LPNS, administrators, physicians and other health/social service professionals Applicants must be tobacco free for at least six months before the training. To apply: https://redcap.kumc.edu/surveys/?s=9PXRJ3CHLH7KKYYN

Posted: Mar 23, 2023,
Comments: 0,
Author: Ann Bush
Tags: Calendar
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