KSDE Weekly

Accountability, Accreditation and Assessments

High schools invited to register for 2023 Apply Kansas Campaign

Kansas high schools are invited to register for the Kansas Board of Regents (KBOR) 2023 Apply Kansas Campaign.

APPLY Kansas is KBOR’s annual statewide campaign in which high schools conduct events to help seniors apply to college with their peers and with help, guidance and a cheering squad from school staff members, local community supporters and postsecondary volunteers.

In partnership with the American College Application Campaign, APPLY Kansas is a month-long event to increase the number of students applying, enrolling and succeeding in college or other postsecondary goals.

All high schools in Kansas can register. Districts can pick the day or dates in October that work best. KBOR provides training, curriculum resources, giveaway items, tips and tools to supplement existing senior application programs or districts can start from scratch.

KBOR staff members also will offer support and resources on the new FAFSA changes for this year, how to host a FAFSA completion event, Senior Signing days and show districts how to receive statewide recognition for postsecondary activities. 

Every APPLY Kansas School has the opportunity to receive:

  • Free in-person or virtual training on how to host your APPLY Kansas event (Last two weeks of August). KBOR is doing APPLY Kansas site coordinator trainings combined with college information events at eight different public institutions across Kansas this fall. This is a great way to network with other APPLY Kansas coordinators, plan your application event, and learn more about local Kansas colleges. There also are two virtual training options available. Visit the APPLY Kansas website and scroll down to get registered for a training near you!
  • Promotional items to give away to students.
  • Resources and activities to copy and use for application events, FAFSA events or Senior Signing events.
  • Information about the FAFSA changes for 2023-2024.

There are already more than 100 Kansas high schools registered to participate this fall. Click here to see if your school is already signed up: 2023 Participating Schools

If you are not on the list, get registered today or check out the website for more information.

New this year: Kansas Apply Free Days – Nov. 7-9, 2023.

For the first time ever, all Kansas public (universities, community colleges, technical colleges) and private higher education institutions will be waiving their application fees for three days for all Kansas residents on Tuesday, Nov. 7, through Thursday Nov. 9.

This program is for any Kansas resident applying for a bachelor’s degree, associate degree or certificate program. The student will not be required to pay the application fee for these three days. All institutions will still have application fee waivers available during the entire year for students who qualify for financial hardship. Those forms will not be required during the Apply Free window. (Remember- Kansas community colleges never have general application fees!)

There may be some for-profit private institutions that choose not to participate in the program.

Between the new FAFSA application opening up in December 2023 and the Kansas Apply Free Days, there are a lot of changes happening this fall in the realm of postsecondary planning. If you’ve never participated, this is a perfect year to join the campaign and connect with other counselors across Kansas. Last year, more than 19,297 Kansas seniors were connected to an Apply Kansas event.

Posted: Aug 10, 2023,
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