Melanie Scott, a Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) school counselor leader coordinator, is facilitating a training on July 31 that can help each school counselor set up their 2023-2024 comprehensive school counseling program for success.
Discussion will center around pieces of the comprehensive school counseling program, but there also will be time during the training to apply it to each attendee’s own building needs.
Participants need to bring a laptop or other e-device. Each participant also will need to access their building’s attendance/discipline/grades data. This information can be printed off ahead of time or attendees need to make sure they know how to access it in their student information system (SIS). This information is vital because the CSCP is based on building and district needs.
This in-person training session, which is appropriate for K-12 school counselors, will take place from 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. at the Southwest Plains Conference Center, 810 W. Lark Ave. in Sublette.
There is a registration fee of $25 per person, which includes lunch.
There is an optional one-half graduate-level credit available for $45, which requires assignment completion.
For more information, click here.
To register for the training, click here.
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